Monday, May 30, 2011

Mirror Mirror on the Wall...

Last weekend when I got home from the Power of Mom's Retreat, I walked into my master bathroom and was surprised to see a little note taped to the side of my mirror.  The small 2" x 2" piece of paper caught me off guard, but the message printed on it is so beautiful and profound that it will forever be a treasure to me.  It reads,

Reflections in this mirror
may be distorted
by socially constructed ideas of

Okay, would anyone else out there be surprised if they
walked in and saw those words on their bathroom mirror?
It almost took my breath away for a second. 
How TRUE is that??

I knew immediately that one of my teenaged daughter's must have put it up,
which I think is totally impressive.
I also realized how loved I am, having girls who know of my insecurities, who want to remind me that I am beautiful just the way I am.
I was right, it was my daughter Cassidy who stuck the sign on the mirror.
She also put one up in the bathroom she and her sister share.
Isn't that a sign of maturity? 
 How many teenage girls actually recognize the fact that true beauty comes from within? That just because we are not nipped and tucked and implanted and injected, or because we actually eat more than 300 calories a day, we are still beautiful.
Of course we work out, and eating healthy is a top priority at our house,
but the tendency to stress out about the little lines forming around my eyes,
 or the fact that I'm no longer the size I want to be, is so normal.

I have to be honest, that sign is not coming down! 
I clean around it, and should the day come that it starts to look shabby, I'll redo it.
It serves as a constant reminder that what I see in the mirror should not be compared
to others, and that my healthy, strong body that is capable of working hard, and that bore
6 beautiful children, is a blessing, and something I should be more accepting of.
Thanks Cass!

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